EventsTeen Writers' Guild

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Teen Writers' Guild

6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Dayton's Bluff


Teen Writers’ Guild (TWG) is a group for teens to encourage each other in their writing, learn the craft of writing, and grow as writers. We’ll also occasionally host guest authors and we always have snacks and hot drinks.

TWG meets once a month on the 4th Tuesday at Dayton’s Bluff Library from 6:30-8 p.m. 

For teens 12-18

Visit to sign up.

645 E 7th St | Saint Paul, MN 55106 | (651) 793-1699

Located in the Metropolitan State University Library and Learning Center building.

Meetings are safe spaces.

Teen Tuesdays @ Dayton’s Bluff library: Teen Dungeons and Dragons every 1st & 3rd Tuesday, Teens Know Best every 2nd Tuesday, and Teen Writers' Guild every 4th Tuesday.Teen Tuesdays are the 5th (if there is one) Tuesday and are a teen maker/hang out space with music, projects, computers, and snacks. All Tuesday programs are at the same time from 6:30-8.

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